How to grow long hair fast

Being obsessed with long hair, I want to share with you in this post my personal tips about how I grew my hair very long (HL currently, and will be TBL soon ).

First of all, you need to know that unfortunately  not everyone is able to grow their hair very long. In fact, how long your hair grows depends on many factors including your genes, your diet and your  hair care regimen. Your genes determine your terminal length. Terminal length is how long your hair can grow before it sheds down. For some people it's as short as 2 years so their hair probably won't get past their shoulders, whereas others' many extend to even 10 years or more. Diet is also very important . If you don't get enough nutrients for your body, your hair will be weak and it just won't grow.

Otherwise, assuming you have a pretty long terminal length and a decent diet, let me give you these golden tips:

1- Do NOT trim so often! We've all been told that  myth of trimming the hair would make it grow faster but this is absolutely none sense! Trimming your hair will make it look healthier and nice but it has nothing to do with the growth since it all happens up on your scalp in the follicles. Trimming too often will just keep your hair at the same level and there's no way it can get past a certain length. Still, you need to trim occasionally lest your hair breaks.

2-  Oil! Oil! Oil! The best thing you can do for your hair!! At least once a week pamper your scalp and hair with  your favorite oil (Olive, almond, Amla...whatever suits you) and let it sit for at least 1 hour then wash.

3- DO NOT wash your hair too often! And it would be even better if you CO-wash (i.e use conditioner only. I will write a whole separate post about this soon :) )

4- Massage your scalp every night or as often as possible. It promotes fast hair growth by stimulating blood circulation hence bringing nutrients to the scalp.

5- EAT healthy!

6- Exercise

7- Use henna if possible, it will strengthen hair and prevent breakage, hence allowing it to grow longer without breaking.

Follow my advice and  promise you'll start noticing a tremendous improvement in your hair overall within a few months!