Olive Oil For Acne Scars!!!

Hello ladies, it's been a while since I published any acne update, so here's a quick yet a VERY important one!

Okay, I've been told by my aunt that if I put olive oil on my face it would get rid of my acne and scars for good! At first I was like "Hell no! I'm not putting any oil on my acne-prone skin!" but she kept insisting and telling me about a girl who used to have severe acne and cleared her skin completely only with extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil is a household product in my family. We have our own olive farm from which we get great amounts of pure extra-virgin oil every year, so we are never out of it. We use it for cooking, hair-conditioning, skin care (body moisturizer/scrub) etc.. but I never thought of putting it on my face! However, I decided to give it a try, and use it not only on my face, but also on my back and chest where I have the most hideous, stubborn scars.

So, here we go, it's been over  a month now, and I'm very pleased with the results! I still can't believe how amazing olive oil can be for acne and especially the scars and the red marks!

First off, olive oil does NOT clog your pores nor make you break out more!! Unless it's not pure extra virgin olive oil, it would never make your acne any worse. Second, your skin won't get oilier. It moisturizes and balanced the skin sebum production and this is very helpful for acne.

After a month of use, I can definitely see the difference. My scars are really faded. I can't think of anything that has faded my scars that fast. My acne is under control, and my overall skin is tremendously better. 

The question is now: Why does it work?
Well, olive oil is loaded with vitamins (especially Vitamin E) and antioxidants. It also has great antibacterial properties, that's why it's used to preserve food.
This makes olive oil your skin's best friend. It's very nourishing, and it fights bacteria, hence acne prevention.

How to use Olive Oil for acne then?
The best part of this treatment is how simple it is. I just massage olive oil onto my face, chest and back 30 minutes before I go to bed and I don't wash it in the morning.

Don't worry about feeling oily or smelling like pasta, because your skin will absorb everything over night. But make sure you don't mind your shirt, sheets and pillows being stained with oil.

Bottom line: Olive oil helped my acne and especially my scars like no other product. It's 100% natural, safe and it does work. I shall stick with it.