Nose Reshaping Exercise: Reshaping your nose with facial yoga!!

Well, this might sound silly but I wanted to tell you about my experience with nose reshaping exercises.
If you've read my previous posts, you must be familiar with my nose story and how I tried everything ranging from those scammy asian clips to herbal remedies like ginger. Nothing seemed to work, although the ginger method did work very subtly but it wasn't enough for me.

I decided to stop squeezing my nose and slathering weird stingy spices on it. I decided to try something that seemed a little more "plausible" and scientifically possible. I thought, maybe if I exercise my nose, just like I exercise my body, it might eventually change into a better shape.

I've heard about Carol Maggio's nose shortener exercise and that's where it all started. Those facial yoga exercises in general claim to reshape your whole face (slim down your cheeks and jawline, reshape the nose, help with wrinkles, get rid of a double-chin..) by working on tightening and toning the muscles of your face, which actually does make sense to me.

I kept searching and I stumble upon this  video by Face Yoga Method:

I tried it for a couple of days and I liked how it kind of tightened the muscles around my nose and made my nose look  noticeably thinner around the bridge where my  nostrils start. It did change my nose! I kept doing it because I liked and I also got used to doing it anyway haha It's kind of relaxing.

It's been months now and my nose is only getting better.