Quick Tip: How to Hide Stretch Marks?

"Fresh" purple stretch marks are relatively easy to deal with,  using only some creams, oils, cocoa butter etc.. However, getting rid of old stretch marks, those white everlasting stripes might be much trickier and sometimes even impossible. Of course there are more advanced dermatological solutions  such as laser surgery that can tremendously reduce the appearance of these stretch marks or completely fade them, depending  on how bad they are.
Still, such surgeries cost a fortune and not everyone is able to afford such a treatment. And since home remedies and over the counter creams won't help much, you will need a quicker solution to at least hide these hideous stretch marks from your body:

Try a Self-tanner!

If your stretch marks are all old and white, this would incredibly help camouflage them and blend them with your skin tone, especially if you're somewhat dark-skinned (not very dark, I mean, like fairly-brown/warm-skin-toned.)

You can also go to a tanning-salon. Any fake tan would actually help at hiding stretch marks but sun-tan won't.